Hello and Привіт!

ЛГБТ+ Українська Діаспора is a safe space created on Discord for LGBTQPIA+ Ukrainians and Allies in the diaspora to connect with each other. The intention of the space is simply to show support for one another within a culture that is majorly heteronormative.

We want to ensure that everyone in the space is as comfortable as possible. Discord has the option to choose your own name, so you don’t need to use your real name. Conversations and discussions are encouraged! Multiple premade channels, for groups such as Plast Ukrainian Scouts, can be accessed online or within the Discord App. Additional channels, both public and private, can be established as the need arrives.

Having the opportunity to connect with one another, share stories, or ask questions is extremely important. We have the ability to understand each other in a way that many others in our Ukrainian community may not. Encouraging acceptance and inclusivity will bring comfort to many who may be struggling to accept themselves. You are valid. You are supported!

We encourage all members of the LGBT+ community to join, whether you are publicly out or not, or if you are still questioning. Allies are welcome as well!

We ask that you please fill out the questionnaire to ensure the safety of the members of the group!

You can contact Tonia Murphy at lgbtukrainiandiaspora@gmail.com with any questions or concerns! 🙂